Every conversation, every message, every document

Secure, private & forever

As advances in AI threaten all traditional approaches to security and privacy, DropVault is the most effortless way to protect every conversation and document from the most determined intruder

Every conversation, every message, every document secured

DropVault is the secure, easy, and affordable way to share sensitive discussions and documents with internal teams, partners, and customers.


The best encryption and security to ensure privacy


Only you can see inside any message or document


Everything secure and private forever and with a complete audit trail.


Whether it's employees or customers, unbreakable security that's as easy as email

Your data belongs to you - Not us, not cloud companies, not hackers.

Small Teams

If your team works on highly sensitive projects, or with highly confidential documents, or with higher value clients, DropVault will help you maintain your reputation for privacy and security.

And even better for your clients, they don’t need to learn any new skills, download any software, install any plugins, or sign up for any services.

If your clients can use email, they can use DropVault. Just without the risk of exposing their their secrets and privacy.

Small Teams
Small Business

Small Business

DropVault is like having a complete security department on your side, at little cost, and allowing you to get on with what you’re really good at.

The more of your employees you have on DropVault, the lower the chance that one will make that critical mistake that could expose you to a data or privacy breach., or worse.

DropVault is great for building the trust and confidence that’s essential for your business. And you’ll sleep better too.

Solo Entrepreneur

Bill Gates once famously said that security is like profit – it’s not optional.

Cyber attacks are now so frequent and automated, it’s dangerous to assume that your business is just too small to be targeted.

And at less than the cost of of your monthly printer ink, we think it’s an investment your customers will appreciate too.

Solo Entrepeneur


Some of the world’s best known brands have used DropVault to protect their most sensitive transactions and discussions.

No matter how much you invest in security, it only takes one busy or careless employee to trigger a breach. DropVault helps to ensure that even a simple mistake won’t have bigger security ramifications.

Your data belongs to you - Not us, not cloud companies, not hackers.

Secure by design

Small Teams

If your team works on highly sensitive projects, or with highly confidential documents, or with higher value clients, DropVault will help you maintain your reputation for privacy and security.

And even better for your clients, they don’t need to learn any new skills, download any software, install any plugins, or sign up for any services.

If your clients can use email, they can use DropVault. Just without the risk of exposing their their secrets and privacy.

Small Business

Small Business

DropVault is like having a complete security department on your side, at little cost, and allowing you to get on with what you’re really good at.

The more of your employees you have on DropVault, the lower the chance that one will make that critical mistake that could expose you to a data or privacy breach., or worse.

DropVault is great for building the trust and confidence that’s essential for your business. And you’ll sleep better too.

Solo Entrepeneur

Solo Entrepreneur

Bill Gates once famously said that security is like profit – it’s not optional.

Cyber attacks are now so frequent and automated, it’s dangerous to assume that your business is just too small to be targeted.

And at less than the cost of of your monthly printer ink, we think it’s an investment your customers will appreciate too.



Some of the world’s best known brands have used DropVault to protect their most sensitive transactions and discussions.

No matter how much you invest in security, it only takes one busy or careless employee to trigger a breach. DropVault helps to ensure that even a simple mistake won’t have bigger security ramifications.

DropVault punches above its weight, with dozens of features to make enterprise-level security and privacy as simple as email. Only far more secure.

Protect Client Conversations

Every conversation between you and your clients should be treated as secure, private, and confidential. And by default, meaning it happens automatically so that no one forgets. By bringing these conversations inside your DropVault portal, all those conversations are protected automatically and forever.

Protect Client Documents

Real estate transactions can involve the exchange of a lot of documents, and many of those documents can be highly sensitive. Whether it’s mortgage applications, credit and financial information, employment history, or contracts and agreements, your clients need to be confident that they can share that information with you without worry.

Protect Email Attacks

Losses to wire fraud in the real estate industry now exceed $500 million every year, and business e-mail compromise attacks are soaring and thanks in part to AI. Moving conversations and contracts away from vulnerable e-mail and into the security and safety of DropVault is the easiest way to prevent these often devastating attacks.

Prevent Phishing Attacks

Phishing is still the first step in most cyber attacks, and most of these attacks involve e-mail. With more than 3 billion phishing emails in circulation every single day it’s easy to see why they can be so devastating. DropVault eliminates the threat of phishing attacks, as well as the data breach and ransomware attacks they can trigger.

Protect Email Compromise

Billions of dollars are lost every year to business e-mail compromise (BEC) attacks, and the majority of these attacks involve e-mail compromise and impersonation. By moving those discussions to DropVault, both of those threats are eliminated.

Powerful Encryption

All documents and discussions are encrypted instantly and automatically using the strongest encryption available, and only you have control over that encryption. We can’t see it or break it, and neither can hackers.

Simple Key Management

No one knows or can access the secret keys that you choose when you sign up. And once that key is created it is used to automatically and instantly encrypt and decrypt every conversation and document.

Keep Track of Everything

DropVault will not only allow you to store and archive all conversations and documents forever, but will also help you to keep track of who accesses those documents, how, and when. And by watermarking and time stamping every document, you’ll always know where they are and who has them.

Create Private Rooms

With DropVault you can create a series of private conversation rooms, or channels. It can be for your entire team or just subsets of your team. A dedicated channel just for partners and vendors. Or channels dedicated just to individual customers. And everything shared in those channels is private and secure by default.y are and who has them.

Reduce Legal Exposure

Minimizing your legal exposure in the event of a security incident, privacy failure, or data breach doesn’t require that you prove maximum security. But simply that you went above and beyond the basics, and especially focusing on sensitive conversations and documents. DropVault can give you that protection.

No Downloads, Software or Learning

Your clients don’t have to install or subscribe to DropVault in order to use it. Just send them an e-mail with a link and a pin and they’re in.

Dropvault brings such great security to a small business that we could never have built ourselves



We have trusted Dropvault with our most secret data and they have never failed us.

Treasury Group, Major Airline

The portals are so simple to use. And working in secure portals takes away the stress that comes with email

John Reed, Alchemy

Cyber attacks, scams, and fraud are at levels never witnessed before

And with the arrival of AI-for-all, criminals haven’t wasted a moment in exploiting AI as a crime tool. The old rules just don’t work anymore.


More than 3.4 billion phishing messages are sent every day, mostly though email, and becoming even harder to detect thanks to AI


In just the first twelve months after the launch of ChatGPT, phishing attacked surged more than 1,200%, and with a quality never seen before.


AI-aided fraud has surged more than 2,000% in the last year, and the greatest vulnerability is still the busy or careless user.