Great features for securing your data

Great features for securing your data

We've added some great features to our DropVault solutions to make sharing and collaboration as frictionless as possible, but always secure and private.

For a more detailed feature list see our Pricing page

This table lists the features that are supported in each channel type - Availability of a specific feature depends on the subscription level or contract in place.
  • APP
    Data Rooms
  • Mobile/Tablet/Desktop
    Works on any device from mobile to desktop
  • No software to install
    Dropvault is a hyper-secure web app so there is nothing to install
  • Friction-less access
    You external contacts do not require an account on Dropvault to access your channels
  • Custom Dashboard
    Our dashboard allows you to quickly find new messages or uploads, or find and open channels/portals
  • Full Contact Manager
    Add and manage your contacts, their access, new messages, send failures and more
  • Team Manager
    Add and manage access for your team - Add, remove , change passwords, MFA and view activity
    Data Rooms
  • Conversational channels
    Not just for sharing documents. You can add messages, replies or just documents.
  • Encrypted documents
    Every document is encrypted with a random, strong 256 bit key
  • Encrypted Conversations
    Every message and reply is encrypted with a random, strong 256 bit key
  • Tags and filters
    Use tags to group and filter documents and conversations
  • Custom Folders and filters
    Move your conversations or documents into different folders
  • Bookmark conversations and documents
    Quickly find a conversation or document again with bookmarks
  • Change Priority of conversations
    Get better visibility on conversations by assigning priorities
  • Replies and comments to conversations
    You and your customers can reply or add comments to any message,document or conversation
  • Add silently
    Add a new conversation or document but do not send out a notification
  • Keep a conversation private from contacts
    Allow your team members to view and interact with a conversation but keep it private from any contacts in the channel
  • Read only channels
    Prevent any replies or comments to a conversation
  • Auto deleting conversations and documents
    Delete a conversation and its documents at a set date - for external contacts or your team.
  • Audit on every channel
    View every access, attempted access, new conversation, document, download, reply, deletion, location and more on every channel
  • Notification of new messages
    Switch email notifications on/off for any channel
    Data Rooms
  • Task manager for every channel & Portal
    Turn any conversation or document into a task, assign and track it's progress with a channel task manager
  • Portal Tasks
    single view from your Dashboard of all your portals in one place with assign, progress, stages and more
  • E-Signatures
    Request an e-signature for any discussion or document
  • Voting
    Request a vote on a discussion, event or document
  • Sign off
    Request an individual or team to sign off on an event, miledtone or task
  • Meeting Manager
    Manage your agenda, actions, votes, sign of and meeting minutes
  • Broadcast
    Send a single message and documents to a list of selected channels and contacts. Build a list of channel, create your message once and send. We notify every contact in every channel
  • Reminders
    Add a reminder to any conversation so you never forget to follow-up
  • Channel Calendar
    Add conversations to your team calendar so you can track issues
    Data Rooms
  • Share with a team member
    Add or remove access to team members in a channel/portal
  • Share with external contact
    Share/allow access to a channel from a single external contact
  • Peer to peer sharing with another business/team
    Share a channel with another business or team already on Dropvault. No links, no passwords required so great sharing from your dashboard direct to theirs.
  • Pin/password required links
    Contact must use a pin or password with the link provided to gain access to their portal/channel.
  • Pin-less links
    Contact can use a link that requires no pin but expires after a set number of hours or days (configurable). Links can be set to one time use or repeat use until expiration
  • Email into a channel
    Create a new conversation and add documents by sending an email to a custom channel email address
  • Email into your business
    Accept email from anyone, add to your contact manager, create a portal and store their message and documents
  • Granular Access control on every channel
    Add/remove access for any team member or external contact
  • Access using team roles
    Grant and manage access using team roles
  • Automatic link sharing
    We will automatically share a link to a channel/portal when you add something new
  • Manual link sharing
    You can manually share a link with a contact at any time
  • Auto Expiring links
    Links expire after a set number of days/specific date
  • Link to portal from my website
    Link to generic portal login page from your website so your contacts can sign in without a custom link
    Data Rooms
  • Documents are always encrypted before storing with an encryption key unique and private to each channel. Document contents are never accessible to server or IT teams (yours or ours)
  • Drag and Drop file upload
    Drag and drop single or multiple documents for simple uploading
  • Multiple document versions
    Upload new version and keep previous
  • Upload documents without conversations
    Drag and drop upload of documents without any message or conversation
  • Upload Preview
    Preview PDF and photos before uploading
  • Document view in channels
    Turn your channel into a file manager when you don't need conversations. Makes finding any document in a channel simple
  • Find all documents
    Display all documents in a channel (without showing conversations)
  • PDF Watermarks
    Auto add custom channel specific watermarks to any PDF download with users name, email address, time and IP location
  • PDF Passwords
    Auto add custom channel password to any PDF download
    Data Rooms
  • Custom logo
    Customize your portals/channels with your company/organization logo
  • Custom Welcome message
    Add a custom welcome message to your portals
  • Custom get support links
    Add email, phone and other links to your portals so your contacts can contact you if there is a problem
  • Set pin-less link lifetime
    Set lifetime of pin-less links in days
  • Allow Pin-less links on portals
    Allow/Prevent users sharing pin-less links
  • Use Once pin-less links
    Set pin-less links to be use once only or repeat until expiration
  • Lifetime of links with Pin/Password
    Set the lifetime (in days) that a pin/password required link is active
  • Site wide PDF passwords
    Set a default site wide auto PDF password
  • Site wide PDF watermark
    Set a default site wide auto PDF watermark
  • Default session timeout
    Adjust the default session timeout from 15 minutes to 150 days
    Data Rooms
  • Industry standard encryption
    We implement AES encryption with a strong, unique 256 bit key on all encryption
  • Strong passwords
    Enforce strong password policy across your team. No user selectable passwords allowed.
  • MFA on all team logins
    Authenticate users using an authenticator app on a phone
  • Passkey authentication
    Passkey sign in on all team and contact login (coming soon)
  • IP/Location allowed list
    Restrict logins to specific locations only.
  • Security Dashboard
    Monitor and track your user and contact logins, locations and MFA failures
  • Automatic defensive security monitoring
    System monitors every connection and access and takes action to limit access if suspicious activity detected
  • Change Security Posture
    Customize how the app responds to changing user locations, session timeout etc
  • Corporate Key vaults
    Store and manage all encryption keys in your corporate key vault (HSM)
    Data Rooms
  • Audit Reporting
    Full audit on all activity for all team members, contacts and channels
  • Access lists
    Control access to features using custom access lists
  • Roles
    Use roles for groups of users in access management
  • Use your email server for notifications
    Email notification come from your company email domain (instead of from
    Data Rooms
  • All documents stored on any storage device are always encrypted before storing with an encryption key managed by the app. Documents will be visible to your server and IT teams (yours or ours) but their contents can not be accessed.
  • Default Azure Storage
    We provide default storage for all documents. Documents are always encrypted before storing with a key unique to the channel
  • AWS Storage
    Alternate storage for documents in your corporate AWS S3 buckets
  • Azure Storage
    Alternate storage for documents on your corporate Azure blob/document storage
  • On-Premise Storage
    Alternate storage for documents on your on-premise storage
  • MIN.IO Storage
    Alternate document storage On-premise AWS S3 compatible storage
  • Import existing un-encrypted documents
    We can connect to your existing document storage and populate your channels with these documents.
  • Channel selectable storage
    Choose different storage options for any channel
  • API
    Data Rooms
  • Create a portal
    Create or use an existing portal and upload a document and encrypt it
  • Upload to a portal
    Add a new message and documents to a portal
  • Upload a message and documents to any B2B channel
    Upload a message and document(s) to any channel and encrypt them
  • Send portal access link to contact
    Trigger Dropvault to send a custom link for the portal to the contact
  • Retrieve a document
    Using the document ID retrieve a document from the storage and decrypt it
  • What's new/Guides/Cheat sheets
  • Support Channel
  • Partner Dashboard
  • Custom GDPR DPA
  • Customized Contract covering business relationship