Send, Share, Upload & Message Securely

Share documents, messages or upload securely with any contact, employee or business

Still using insecure email to share sensitive data with contacts? Still adding a pin number to password protect a PDF that you share with a contact? A more secure and productive alternative are Secure Portals which provide a private and secure space for a contact, but also make your team more productive.

Our portals are encrypted, are secure by design, are conversational so you can share a document but also send messages and have a private conversation - And are bi-directional so your contact or employee can start a conversation, reply or upload a document at any time.

Our customers range from 2 person CPAs to major enterprises with tens of thousands of employees and for our cloud service it takes less than 10 minutes to set up an account and start sharing securely with your contacts or employees. No IT resources needed, no complex setup or roll out.

When you need to share more than just a document

Portals provide a private and secure space for a contact to share documents, conversations and messages with the best in security and encryption by default
Less than 10 minutes to start sharing securely

Less than 10 minutes to start sharing securely

Not every business has a large IT or security team and we understand that resources are limited - That's why our set up is simple and uncomplicated and takes less than 10 minutes to sign up and start sharing securely with your contacts.

We take care of the app, the storage, security and encryption - and can also advise you on the best way to set up your portals and get the most from our solutions.

Share or upload files securely from any contact

Need to have a contact upload a document securely? Our encrypted portals are bi-directional so both your contact and team can share documents and messages in both directions at any time.

Just drag and drop any document into a portal - We encrypt and store so that it's always secured and private.

Share or upload files securely from any contact
Conversations, Discussions & Messages

Or Conversations, Discussions & Messages

Our portals are more than just documents. They are conversational so you can share a discussion or a message with your contact - And they can reply and share back to your team all in the same portal.

Conversational portals mean you never have to use insecure email to share anything with your contact and no need to forward or CC any message.

Share passwords and links that auto expire

Share passwords and other sensitive messages that auto delete after a set time - Choose any message or document, then set any time or date to auto expire the content so that this sensitive data doesn't remain in a portal long term.

Friction-less access for your contacts

Share a link that auto expires or links that require your contact to access using an easy to remember pin. Or for complete friction-less access your contacts can sign in using their existing Google, GMail, Microsoft or Office 365 account.

Or add a "My Portal" link to your web site or email signature - Access to a portal is as simple as click and enter their email address and pin/password or use their Google/Microsoft account to sign in.

Request Signatures or Sign off

Request a sign off or e-signature from your customers - Just choose any discussion, task or document and request a signature. We will ask your contact to accept and record their signature using any touch device. And not just documents - Discuss with your contact or employee and request a signature on the entire conversation.

No more having to use a second app to manage your signatures and everything it stored securely in your customers portal for privacy.

Great tools to manage your conversations

Great tools to manage your documents and conversations

We have great tools to help you and your team manage your conversations - from a task manager where you can assign and track each conversation until it is completed or a team calendar and reminders for keeping track of important customer dates.

These great features mean you never have to take your document out of your secure channel and instead keep it secured while your team is working on it.

Connect to anyone, anywhere on any device

Friction is always the enemy of great security so removing the need to install anything helps protect data.

Why force your contact to install a new app just so you can communicate with them. Dropvault is a web app and your employees, contacts or another business can access any message or document with any browser - And from any device from desktop, tablet or mobile.

Connect to anyone, anywhere on any device
Send from your Outlook Inbox

Upload and message via Email

Every Dropvault business has a unique email address for uploads which you can share with your contacts to add to their contact manager. Just send a new email address, add a subject, message content and any photos or documents and when we receive the message we will add to the contacts portal.

Auto Delete My Data

Privacy is important and removing personal data not only improves security, it also removes data when it is no longer required by a business. We provide every contact with the option to delete their sensitive ID or other document or message automatically after a set date.

The business can override this deletion if it has to meet specific complaince requlations.

Automatically delete my old data

Enterprise Features

Our solutions are designed for even the smallest business to roll out in less that 10 minutes but that doesn't mean we ignore the bigger enterprise customers. All our solutions support custom document storage, customer provided key vaults/HSM, authentication platforms and some of the best compliance reporting available.

Your documents, your storage, your keys, your authentication, your email.

From customer specific document storage on Azure, AWS, Google and on-prem, to authentication via OpenID, Microsoft, Okta or Google, customer provided key vaults and customer owned email server for notifications, we have enterprise clients covered when it comes to supporting your many platforms.


Compliance and auditing

For compliance we retain all conversations and documents in the channel and this is always available to either the customer or to your team.

Identity documents are retained for many years and whether it's 1 year or 10 years, they will always remain encrypted and secure if stored in a Dropvault channel.

API - Connect your app to ours

Do you have a website or app that uploads and stores customer identity or other sensitive documents but are not storing them securely?

You can connect your app to our API - We take care of the encryption, key management, storage and also provide your customers and your team with a great portal for access to these documents

Connect to a portal using our API
Customer key vaults/hsm

Customer Key Vaults/HSM

Bring your own customer keys with support for customer provided Key vaults/HSM. We connect to your corporate HSM for all encryption keys instead of our own HSM.

Your data, your keys, your control.

Less than 10 minutes to start sharing securely

Less than 10 minutes to start sharing securely..

Not every business has a large IT or security team and we understand that resources are limited - That's why our set up is simple and uncomplicated and takes less than 10 minutes to sign up and start sharing securely with your contacts.

We take care of the app, the storage, security and encryption - and can also advise you on the best way to set up your portals and get the most from our solutions.

Upload any sensitive document securely

Share or upload files securely from any contact

Need to have a contact upload a document securely? Our encrypted portals are bi-directional so both your contact and team can share documents and messages in both directions at any time.

Just drag and drop any document into a portal - We encrypt and store so that it's always secured and private.

More than just documents

Or Conversations, Discussions & Messages

More than just documents. They are conversational so you can share a discussion or a message with your contact - And they can reply and share back to your team all in the same portal.

Conversational portals mean you never have to use insecure email to share anything with your contact and no need to forward or CC any message.

Private, secure and a great customer experience

Share passwords and links that auto expire

Share passwords and other sensitive messages that auto delete after a set time - Choose any message or document, then set any time or date to auto expire the content so that this sensitive data doesn't remain in a portal long term.

Request e-signatutes

E-Signature & Sign off

Request a signature from a contact on any discussion or document. We will ask for a signature to be entered using any touch device and record this signature along with your discussion and documents.

Friction-less portals

Friction-less access for your contacts

Share a link that auto expires or links that require your contact to access using an easy to remember pin. Or for complete friction-less access your contacts can sign in using their existing Google, GMail, Microsoft or Office 365 account.

Or add a "My Portal" link to your web site or email signature - Access to a portal is as simple as click and enter their email address and pin/password or use their Google/Microsoft account to sign in.

Great tools to manage your conversations

Great tools to manage your documents and conversations

We have great tools to help you and your team manage your conversations - from a task manager where you can assign and track each conversation until it is completed or a team calendar and reminders for keeping track of important customer dates.

Send directly from Outlook

Upload via email

Every Dropvault business has a unique email address for uploads which you can share with your contacts to add to their contact manager. Just send a new email address, add a subject, message content and any photos or documents and when we receive the message we will add to the contacts portal.

Automatically delete my old data

Auto Delete My Data

Privacy is important and removing personal data not only improves security, it also removes data when it is no longer required by a business. We provide every contact with the option to delete their sensitive ID or other document or message automatically after a set date.

The business can override this deletion if it has to meet specific compliance regulations

Enterprise Options


Your documents, your storage, your keys, your authentication.

From customer specific document storage on Azure, AWS, Google and on-prem, to authentication via OpenID, Microsoft, Okta or Google, customer provided key vaults and customer owned email server for notifications, we have enterprise clients covered when it comes to supporting your many platforms.

Compliance tools

Compliance and auditing

For compliance we retain all conversations and documents in the channel and this is always available to either the customer or to your team.

Identity documents are retained for many years and whether it's 1 year or 10 years, they will always remain encrypted and secure if stored in a Dropvault channel.

Connect to our API

Do you have a website or app that uploads and stores customer identity or other sensitive documents but are not storing them securely?

You can connect your app to our API - We take care of the encryption, key management, storage and also provide your customers and your team with a great portal for access to these documents

Customer provided key vaults

Customer Key Vaults/HSM

Bring your own customer keys with support for customer provided Key vaults/HSM. We connect to your corporate HSM for all encryption keys instead of our own HSM.

Your data, your keys, your control.