Security and privacy for your CPA client discussions and uploads

Security & privacy for your clients - And productivity for your team

CPAs are constantly dealing with sensitive client documents and discussions, and keeping everything secure and private is crucial to both the business and the client. From uploading account balances,share, to identity documents and sharing back completed tax returns, the volume of sensitive data can be overwhelming.

Our Secure Portals provide a great solution for our CPA clients - They are a secure and private space to share, upload and discuss client financial plans, complete tax returns and provide investment advice for clients. They are secure and encrypted by default so you or your client never has to choose to encrypt and have some of the best security available.

Portals are the place to discuss, share and provide advice to your clients, knowing it is always secure and private

Bank account and other sensitive documents

Enterprise security for SME prices

The small and medium sized CPAs can sometimes struggle with cyber security and securing client data - Our platform brings some of the best in enterprise security and makes it available to the SMB - And

A single place for all client discussions and updates

Start a conversation with a client, get their feedback or request a document - All in a a single secure location and without the need to use insecure email.

And because all discussions are in one location it makes compliance and review simple.

Private messaging and document sharing
Bank account and other sensitive documents

Request account balances, income statements and other sensitive documents

Your clients can upload sensitive documents via a portal - Drag and drop any document into the Portal or a specific conversation and we encrypt and share. It means your clients documents are always secure and private, even from us.

More on portals

Request a sign off or signature

Request a sign off or e-signature on a tax or other document - Just choose any discussion, task or document and request a sign off. We will ask your client to accept and record their signature using any touch device.

And we keep your discussions, documents and e-signatures in the one location for simple compliance and management

Capture e-signataures

Manage all your client activity with our task manager

Every client portal has a built in task manager so you can take any discussion and turn into a task with a due date, assign to a team, priority and more. You can track these tasks from your dashboard and get a complete overview of all your portal activity.

Access a Portal 24/7

With Portals your client has a Pin/Password to the entire Portal and not just a specific document. This allows your client t connect and access their portal 24/7, from anywhere.

No need for your client to request a new link and wait for your team to send it.

Friction-less portals
Document manager

Quick access to any document shared or uploaded

Unlike an email Inbox where all conversation and documents are contained in a single Inbox, with Dropvault each portal is specific to a client - This makes it simple to quickly find any document share or uploaded.

Private messaging and document sharing

Discuss your client tax and other financial affairs with privacy

Need to have a sensitive discussion with your client? Our Portals are conversational so you can start a conversation, share updates and documents or ask questions all without ever having to use email. Think of a Portal as a dedicated Inbox for each client which makes finding and managing your client conversations simple.

And because we have encryption by default neither you or your client need to choose to encrypt.

Bank account and other sensitive documents

Upload identity and other sensitive documents in their portal

Your clients can upload sensitive documents via a portal - Drag and drop any document into the Portal or a specific conversation and we encrypt and share. It means your clients documents are always secure and private, even from us.

More on portals

Request e-signatutes


Request a sign off or e-signature from your clients - Just choose any discussion, task or document and request a sign off. We will ask your client to accept and record their signature using any touch device.

No more having to use a second app to manage your sign offs and everything it stored securely in your client portal for privacy.

Customer care app

Manage all your client activity with our task manager

Every client portal has a built in task manager so you can take any discussion and turn into a task with a due date, assign to a team, priority and more. You can track these tasks from your dashboard and get a complete overview of all your portal activity.

Friction-less portals

Access a Portal 24/7

With Portals your client has a Pin/Password to the entire Portal and not just a specific document. This allows your client t connect and access their portal 24/7, from anywhere.

No need for your client to request a new link and wait for your team to send it.