Encrypted portals for your valuable clients

Providing the best in privacy and security for your valuable clients

High Net Worth Clients demand and expect first class service and most importantly, privacy and security for their discussions and decisions, something that cannot be provided by insecure email.

Our portals are a private space for your clients to connect and share documents or sensitive conversations - They are secure, encrypted so only your team and your client can access, are conversational so you can have a discussion with your client without ever needing to use insecure email. And unlike email they will keep these conversations private, even from your IT team.

HNWC rooms are an enhanced version of our customer portals providing the best in security, privacy and additional features and tools to manage your client interaction

Why private client portals?

Privacy & Security

Encryption built into the app
Unique encryption key per client for added security & privacy
Privacy by design - Only your client and your team can access or view
Secure by default. Encryption on every message or document.
Dropvault has no access to your content
MFA, SSO, Trusted Locations, Security posture and more all providing the best in security


Share messages or documents with your clients
Share in either direction at any time. Your team can share to a contact or employee, or your contact can share into your team - All in the same portal
Access with link and pin, pin less, or using a My Portal page
Dropvault is a web app - Nothing for your team or contacts to install


Built for teams - No CC'ing or forwarding of any message
Ticketing, reminders and calendar built in so your team can manage sharing without the need for multiple apps or solutions
Discussions and documents stay in the one place so easy for your team to catch up on any sharing or discussions.
Each portal is a history of all document sharing, conversations or uploads - all in one place.


Secure messaging as well as documents - No need to use two different apps
Reply or add a comment to any existing conversation
Share messages with sensitive content without documents
No need to share documents in one app and discussions in email.

How our client channels work

Share or upload files securely from any client

Need to have a client upload a document securely? Our encrypted portals are bi-directional so both your client and team can share documents and messages in both directions at any time.

Dropvault keeps a complete history of all your shared documents but remain secure and private and protect these sensitive documents from breaches or cyber attacks.

How does it work
Guests and contacts

Client documents & discussions

Our client portals are more than just documents. They are conversational so you or your client can start a discussion or add comment and reply.

Conversational client portals mean you never have to use insecure email to share anything with your contact and no need to forward or CC any message.

Access from any device from anywhere

Your clients can access their client portal from any device from anywhere. From laptops, iPads or smart phones you only need a web browser to gain easy and frictionless access to their account.

Customize your access

Choose to set up your client portals to be pin-less or password/pin required - We automatically send a link in email when you add something new to the portal. Or add a "My Portal" link to your web site or email signature to make it easy for your contacts with passwords to access their portal without a link.

You can customize your client portal welcome page with your logo, welcome message, contact information and more.

Private, secure and a great customer experience

Our portals show your customers that you take their privacy seriously by protecting their sensitive data.

They are also a complete history of every message, discussion, signature and decision all in a simple, easy to use but secure portal. No leaving sensitive data in an email for years at risk of a breach plus is makes finding previous discussions and documents easy.

Client ticketing & tasks included

Every client portal has a built in ticket manager so you can take any discussion and turn into a ticket with a due date, assign to a team, priority and more. You can track these tickets from your dashboard and get a complete overview of all your portal activity.


Request a sign off or e-signature from your customers - Just choose any discussion, task or document and request a signature. We will ask your contact to accept and record their signature using any touch device. And not just documents - Discuss with your contact or employee and request a signature on the entire conversation.

No more having to use a second app to manage your signatures and everything it stored securely in your customers portal for privacy.

Great tools to manage your conversations

Great tools to manage your documents and conversations

We have great tools to help you and your team manage your conversations - from a task manager where you can assign and track each conversation until it is completed or a team calendar and reminders for keeping track of important client dates.

These great features mean you never have to take your document out of your secure channel and instead keep it secured while your team is working on it.

Send directly from Outlook

For even less friction you can send using a portal without ever leaving your Outlook Email inbox. Just select your contact, add a subject and any documents and send.

Coming soon

Send from your Outlook Inbox

Zero knowledge

Your messages and documents are encrypted with a unique channel key before they are stored on our servers. This ensures that your content is always private and we can not access any message or document

Zero knowledge

Enterprise Features

Your documents, your storage.

Dropvault comes with unlimited storage by default - There is nothing you need to set up or configure but for larger enterprise customers keeping sovereignty and control over your documents is important and so our channels support storing your documents on your corporate AWS, Azure or on-premise storage. This optional feature allows Dropvault to connect to your storage and use as the default storage for your documents.

We will encrypt all documents before storing so they will remain secure even in the event of a breach.

Azure, AWS or MIN.IO Storage

Compliance and auditing

For compliance we retain all conversations and documents in the channel and this is always available to either the customer or to your team.

Identity documents are retained for many years and whether it's 1 year or 10 years, they will always remain encrypted and secure if stored in a Dropvault channel.

Sharing is simple

Share or upload files securely from any client

Need to have a client upload a document securely? Our encrypted portals are bi-directional so both your client and team can share documents and messages in both directions at any time.

Dropvault keeps a complete history of all your shared documents but remain secure and private and protect these sensitive documents from breaches or cyber attacks.

More than just documents

Client documents & discussions

Our client portals are more than just documents. They are conversational so you or your client can start a discussion or add comment and reply.

Conversational client portals mean you never have to use insecure email to share anything with your contact and no need to forward or CC any message.

Friction-less portals

Customize your access

Choose to set up your client portals to be pin-less or password/pin required - We automatically send a link in email when you add something new to the portal. Or add a "My Portal" link to your web site or email signature to make it easy for your contacts with passwords to access their portal without a link.

You can customize your client portal welcome page with your logo, welcome message, contact information and more.

Private, secure and a great customer experience

Private, secure and a great customer experience

Our portals show your customers that you take their privacy seriously by protecting their sensitive data.

They are also a complete history of every message, discussion, signature and decision all in a simple, easy to use but secure portal. No leaving sensitive data in an email for years at risk of a breach plus is makes finding previous discussions and documents easy.

Customer care app

Client ticketing & tasks included

Every client portal has a built in ticket manager so you can take any discussion and turn into a ticket with a due date, assign to a team, priority and more. You can track these tickets from your dashboard and get a complete overview of all your portal activity.

Request e-signatutes


Request a sign off or e-signature from your customers - Just choose any discussion, task or document and request a signature. We will ask your contact to accept and record their signature using any touch device. And not just documents - Discuss with your contact or employee and request a signature on the entire conversation.

No more having to use a second app to manage your signatures and everything it stored securely in your customers portal for privacy.

Great tools to manage your conversations

Great tools to manage your documents and conversations

We have great tools to help you and your team manage your conversations - from a task manager where you can assign and track each conversation until it is completed or a team calendar and reminders for keeping track of important customer dates.


Compliance and history keeping

For compliance we retain all conversations and documents in the channel and this is always available to either the customer or to your team.

Identity documents are retained for many years and whether it's 1 year or 10 years, they will always remain encrypted and secure.

zero knowledge

Zero Knowledge

Your messages and documents are encrypted with a unique channel key before they are stored on our servers. This ensures that your content is always private and we can not access any message or document