Financial Services Solutions

Protecting your digital financial assets


Businesses list financial documents as the highest risk - And even higher once you start sharing with external parties.

Our platform is trusted and approved by airlines and top 10 banking institutions to protect valuable financial and intellectual property while providing a secure sharing and collaboration environment.

Just some of the financial services areas Dropvault is used

Treasury Groups - Stakeholder & Shareholder communications

Secure and manage your communications and collaboration with your shareholders and stakeholders. Our data room channels permit two way sharing and messaging between your treasury teams and your stakeholders - All secured, encrypted and private.

Share updates, documents or messages between teams or use our Broadcast tool to share updates to your distribution lists.

More on stakeholder messaging

Treasury Management
High Net Worth Individuals

Investors/High Net Worth Clients

High Net Worth Clients & Investors demand and expect first class service and most importantly, privacy and security for their data. Trustworthiness drives loyalty & growth and if investors aren’t confident their data is safe & secure, they may take their business elsewhere.

Our encrypted conversational portals provide partners with a secure platform to discuss and share with their most valuable clients knowing that everything is secured with some of the best encryption & privacy available. With built in discussions, document sharing, e-signatures and task a management it's a complete solution to manage your high net work clients in complete privacy.

More on Encrypted Conversational portals

For sharing with more than one contact see our Secure Data rooms
More on Encrypted Data rooms

Mergers, Acquisitions & Investments

Our data rooms protect your sensitive documents and discussions in mergers, investment and acquisitions while keeping your discussions and documents in a single secure channel - We then add in a great task manager for your events, tasks and project gates, a sign off tool, e-signatures and lots more.

More on Encrypted Data rooms

Mergers and Acquisitions
CPA/Tax Returns

CPA Client Portals

Managing tax returns for clients involves sensitive document sharing and updates and our portals provide a private and secure space for your clients to upload their account documents, bank statements, share dealing receipts and other documents.

The CPA can review, discuss and comment all without leaving the privacy of the channel and when complete, share the tax return back to the client.

More on CPA Use Case

Contract Collaboration

All contracts involve sensitive commercial IP and managing these documents and discussions in a cloud task manager should not put your data , or your clients at risk. Our data rooms provide a secure collaboration space for your sales team or external parties to share, discuss and comment on tasks and documents

And our built in task manager keeps this sensitive data in the channel instead of shared with another cloud task manager.

More on data rooms

Contract Collaboration

Compliance Teams

When banking and other financial services compliance teams need to collaborate, share or discuss compliance issues, protecting this data and ensuring privacy for businesses or individuals is important.

Our Data rooms provide this secure space your team to collaborate, track , assign and manage tasks, get sign off or e-signatures on actions or decisions.

More on data rooms

Commercial IP and corporate secrets

Our Data rooms are ideal for securing and sharing your sensitive commercial IP and corporate secrets. With some of the best security and encryption they can protect and secure your valuable commercial documents and discussions from attack or compromise.

And because Dropvault documents are stored away from your regular business documents in a secure vault they are invisible to both your IT team, your MSP and any possible ransomware attack.

Protecting intelletual property
KYC Requests

KYC and other document requests

Is your team spending too much time managing KYC requests from external parties. Our document library provides your vendors and clients with simple way to select and request access to any KYC document. We then route to your team for approval or rejection and then deliver the documents in a secure channel where they can be viewed or downloaded.

And as with all Dropvault documents, each PDF can be secured with a custom password and watermark with the name of the person that downloads it, their location, time and email address.

Treasury Managment

Treasury - Stakeholder communications

Secure and manage your communications and collaboration with your shareholders and stakeholders. Our collaboration channels permit two way collaboration between your treasury teams and your stakeholders - All secured, encrypted and private.

Share updates, documents or messages between teams or use our Broadcast tool to share updates to your distribution lists.

More on Stakeholder messaging

High Net Worth Individuals

Investors/High Net Worth Clients

Investment Clients/HNWI demand and expect first class service and most importantly, privacy and security for their data. Trustworthiness drives loyalty & growth and if investors aren’t confident their data is safe & secure, they may take their business elsewhere.

Our encrypted conversational portals provide partners with a secure platform to discuss and share with their most valuable clients knowing that everything is secured with some of the best encryption & privacy available. With built in discussions, document sharing, e-signatures and task a management it's a complete solution to manage your high net work clients in complete privacy.

More on portals

For sharing with more than one contact see our Secure Data rooms
More on Data rooms

Mergers and acquisitions

Mergers, Acquisitions & Investments

Our data rooms protect your sensitive documents and discussions in mergers, investment and acquisitions while keeping your discussions and documents in a single secure channel - We then add in a great task manager for your events, tasks and project gates, a sign off tool, e-signatures and lots more.

More on data rooms

CPA/Tax Returns

CPA Client Portals

Managing tax returns for clients involves sensitive document sharing and updates and our portals provide a private and secure space for your clients to upload their account documents, bank statements, share dealing receipts and other documents.

The CPA can review, discuss and comment all without leaving the privacy of the channel and when complete, share the tax return back to the client.

More on CPA Use Case

Contract Collaboration

Contract Collaboration

All contracts involve sensitive commercial IP and managing these documents and discussions in a cloud task manager should not put your data , or your clients at risk. Our data rooms provide a secure collaboration space for your sales team or external parties to share, discuss and comment on tasks and documents

And our built in task manager keeps this sensitive data in the channel instead of shared with another cloud task manager.

More on data rooms

Compliance teams

Compliance Teams

When banking and other financial services compliance teams need to collaborate, share or discuss compliance issues, protecting this data and ensuring privacy for businesses or individuals is important.

Our Data rooms provide this secure space your team to collaborate, track , assign and manage tasks, get sign off or e-signatures on actions or decisions.

More on B2B Channels

Intellectual property and corporate secrets

Commercial IP and corporate secrets

Our Data rooms are ideal for securing and sharing your sensitive commercial IP and corporate secrets. With some of the best security and encryption they can protect and secure your valuable commercial documents and discussions from attack or compromise.

And because Dropvault documents are stored away from your regular business documents in a secure vault they are invisible to both your IT team, your MSP and any possible ransomware attack.

KYC and other documents

KYC Requests

Is your team spending too much time managing KYC requests from external parties. Our document library provides your vendors and clients with simple way to select and request access to any KYC document. We then route to your team for approval or rejection and then deliver the documents in a secure channel where they can be viewed or downloaded.

And as with all Dropvault documents, each PDF can be secured with a custom password and watermark with the name of the person that downloads it, their location, time and email address.